Life of CKD/Tx. Recipients

There is a treatment period for any disease. After that, the patient may come back to life or die. But for dialysis, ckd, tx patient it is not the end. It lasts until their death.

The worst cases are during the first half of life, before or after family life.
The family is then pushed into misery.
Their lives and the lives of others are in jeopardy as they are unable to fulfill their responsibilities and have to depend on others for their own affairs. The most important of these is financial security.
Without it, they have to live as a burden to others.

We are always obliged to live a life of compassion for others.

There will be a few who will survive this. It depends on each of their factors and circumstances. Some will be blessed by those who are merciful, whether at home or outside, and those who are not will end their lives crying.

Who will show mercy on them?
Who will provide for such families?
Who will give them love and comfort?
Who will hold their hand?
Of a large quantity
Such lives trampled on by coals will be left as question marks with burning minds until they leave unanswered questions in society.

Kidney Foundation Kerala

As a nonprofit organization, the KFK exists in part due to generous donations from individuals like you. We hope you will consider one of the many ways to donate to KFK and in turn play a vital role in our vision to end death and suffering due to Kidney Disease.

Your generosity has a direct and positive impact that changes lives. You are a vital force supporting those affected by kidney disease, and promoting kidney health and organ donation.

To make a donation directly via bank transfer, please use the account details

Kidney Foundation
Guruvayur, Kerala
Account Number
IFSC UBIN0907260
Union Bank of India
Guruvayur Branch

Kidney Foundation Kerala